Posts Tagged ‘love’

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This is an amazing life with some unbelievably amazing people around whom we call our family and friends. They are the only ones that matter and only they will be happy for every good thing that we do. They have no behavior obligations and thinking is not constricted to a box instead they give us the courage and boost to think out of it. Some people make it just so complicated by expecting a certain kind of behavior from us. Why has everyone restricted us in a shell of a particular manner? Honestly, I think that irregardless of others’ expectations, even we in person have bound ourselves in our own little box of mannerism. They wouldn’t expect anything from us that we don’t like if the actually cared. They would accept us however we were, only if they did care for us sincerely.

It is so much in the air to try and please every single person we come across. However, not everybody will like us no matter how nice we become. There are always going to be people around who will judge us, envy us or even criticize us if they get a chance, so why limit ourselves for such people? Its just us that we are restricting ourselves by even caring about them. Why not be ourselves and live the life that we actually want? For instance, we work out to stay in shape so that people don’t call us fat. I mean why worry about people who go on our looks and want us to quit eating our favorite food only because they prefer us being slim. Let us live a day doing what feels right to us. If we want to eat, then we will eat no matter who wants us to lose weight.

It’s the inner beauty that matters and beauty is found in the eyes of the beholder. Let us live a day with natural beauty and not apply any make up today. We are all beautiful and nobody has a right to say anything because if they are not beautiful enough to see our beauty, so let’s not try making them seem beautiful. No matter what we do, others will always find a point to taunt us. Hence, the best solution to save us from the trouble of getting hurt is by being ourselves! No matter how fake the world seems, if you are real, you will always find a person that is as real as you and that will be the person who will understand who you truly are. We are all like birds that need to fly freely. Living in a cage of perfect codes of life will only ruin our true self.

“Man is a masterpiece of creation if for no other reason than that, all the weight of evidence for determinism notwithstanding, he believes he has free will.”
Georg C. Lichtenberg

This world is a much brighter place when I look at it in a lively manner. The minute I lose my energy, nothing sucks more than breathing which proves that there is no place for quitters here. Every breath brings hopes. Wishes, dreams, aims, passion are on one side; destiny is on the other side. Believing in destiny makes it easy for me to move on. I am well aware that everyone is not alike in any manner and that everyone has different ways of handling their problems but here are some of the ways I think are generally helpful:

  • Talking to someone: No one would ever be a loser in life only if people shared their problems with a pack of well-wishers. 4 brains can find out a better solution to any problem than just 1 brain which is already going through a rough time.
  • Sorting out: Sorting things out doesn’t mean staying locked up in a room trying to look for the hidden answers. It means to get out of the little fantasy land and face the reality. This is how one can overcome the hidden fears and get the real answers instead of the self made answers.
  • Family and friends: The best way to deal with a relationship problem or any other hurdle in life is by giving some time to family either talk to them about this obstacle or just enjoy with them on general issues. Most of the time we ignore family but now when you are upset so why not take this as an opportunity to have fun with family and friends. At the end of the day, they are the only ones who are hurt seeing us in pain and agony.
  • Overflowing eyes:This will only make others around you unhappy like I mentioned earlier. Nevertheless, it is healthy to clear your eyes as it can also help you feel relieved but it better be a one session scheme. Cry once and let it all out. Pick up and dust yourself up, get ready to leave it all behind.
  • Take it easy: Those of us who believe “he was the guy, my true love”, just give things a break then. If he exactly is the man and things are not working correctly now, they might work tomorrow. Drift apart and see if he realizes your worth, then definitely he is the real one if not then he just wasn’t right. Just a tip to remember, there is a right time for everything so is it not better to wait for the right time and the right thing instead of taking matters in our own hands and ending up getting messed?
  • Get up: A small fight or a break up does not mean it is the end of the world. I know it feels terrible when you love someone with heart and soul and then things don’t work. Being upset is natural but giving up on everything is just not right. This way you will hurt those who actually care about you like your family, friends and well-wishers. The past will only drag you and drown you in sorrows. Look behind once in a while, cherish the good memories but your past should definitely not stop you from moving on. If it does, then it just wasn’t right for you neither then nor now.

Everything may not be in our control but the things that are in our power can be made colorful. All we need is to stay collected. It’s not a matter of how many time we fall, it’s just a matter of how many times we get up, recollect and re participate. Each time one is reassembled, he becomes much stronger and more immune to agony.

After a long day of shopping and packing, as I rest my head on the wall recalling today’s accomplishments, I felt a sudden chilly wave down my spine at the thought of whom will I tell about my day now? A diary, which cannot reply and tell me, “oh you shouldn’t have done that?” Recently, I have been packing to move to a completely new country and it’s like thousands of miles away from my best friend’s place. Due to the huge time differences, I don’t want to make him stay up all night only to listen to my pointless stories. It’s like I am ending up my present life to start a new one. Which means we’d never chat again. All these years that we stayed close together are now down the drain. Even the thought makes me feel lifeless.

I realized that the phrase “nothing changes over the days”, is ridiculous because everything looks different when it becomes part of the past. I believe, each day is a new challenge with a new task giving us all a new chance to conquer it. We meet new people and lose a few of them on a daily basis. We grow closer to some of our close people, thus growing the attachment day by day. Events take place and many other small things that are not taken into consideration happen all day long. Yet we think everything is still the same as it was yesterday. However, as the days pass, we realize the importance of that one person whom we got very close and also the emptiness that was all left when we lost the other person just like my best friend. He changed me into a better person, a person with feelings and deepness, taught me to respect others’ moral values and precisely into all that I am now. He had always been there to care for me as a mother, scold as a father, tease like a sister, annoy like a brother, make me happy like a boyfriend, show tantrums like a girlfriend, advice like a counselor, help like a friend and to support like a life partner. In short he is a perfect best friend anyone can ever imagine. And now all we are going to do is a goodbye. How is that even possible?

Me drifting away from him is one of the most painful acts but on the other hand life goes on, it never stops for anyone. I guess this is what life does, break the bonds that we think are invincible. Letting go without regrets is one thing but the pain that has to be overcome by patience is difficult to bear and that is what turns us into a stronger person. This is what life is all about, mourning and moving on!



In the midst of the exam stress, while I put my head on my mom’s lap, I realized that one of the most beautiful places on earth is a mom’s lap. The purest form of love can be felt when mom is around. No matter how much we, teenagers, die to stay alone when depressed, none other than our moms can provide us with comfort when it is highly needed. Is it not better if we keep her happy while we are together rather than bear the torment of remorse later?

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Fantasies are amazing when created and they would be even more beautiful if they came true but if they ever did come true, then why would they be called as fantasies? Not everybody gets to love a sensitive, honest and caring person. Its one of the luckiest things one can ever get. No cheating, no playing games, no dishonest lies only sincere feelings.

For me love has no such thing as lust, its merely a matter of feelings. Feelings that are a combination of respect and care for their partner. Feelings that do not require physical presence to make a strong bond. They do no fade away due to lack of interaction. Its one of the beautiful feelings that can be cherished. The basic joy of love is the pain that is felt when our loved ones are hurt, the happiness that is felt by only seeing them smile. Priceless!

I think not everyone is loved in return, neither does everyone reach their ultimate goals with their loved ones. I believe that love is an innate feature; one of the most ecstatic feelings. It is not about collecting happiness and pleasures, its plainly about giving and not expecting nothing. This is exactly how things go well. Its just about watching the other one happy even if it means giving up on everything I believe is mine. Its about being there for the other one and wanting nothing but their smiles and twinkling eyes. Its like freeing a bird and watching it strike back on the window everyday just because even it has developed a special attachment.

It does not matter at all if the lover doesn’t feel the same way, it’s respect that matters. I personally believe that hearts never break, its just our hopes that shatter; the dreams, the ecstasy that make us sad. Nobody ever moves on, they just learn how to adjust without their loved ones in their life. There is nothing such as loved, its either love or never did. We can get used to new people in our surroundings that are completely opposite to the old ones but once in a blue moon, the memories of our true love do haunt us. Its love that can never be forgotten or stolen but cherished everyday of our life.

The biggest defeat of a lover is when their loved ones are hooked with them only because of sympathy or because they have no other option. Loving someone does not mean imposing your wishes and laws, it’s about respecting their opinions and decisions. Flexibility and patience in self is the biggest gifts that can be given to our loved ones. Let go off without any complaints and immediately our life will be happier.

Technology has made much advancement today making our lives easy. However, a coin has two sides and neither of its side can be neglected. This ever rising technology has no limits or boundaries. There will never be a peak when we can say there is no room for any more modifications now.

Some of the major cons of technology are:

      • Social life-The cliche man is a social animal just seems to confine itself within the limits of social networking sites or by cell phone networks. I see children these days carrying around expensive phones whose worth is beyond their imagination. As for those whose parents cannot afford them suffer from peer pressure and/or are bullied in schools.
      • Personal experience- I remember getting my first phone when I went abroad without any of my parents. That was because it was important and it wasn’t a very expensive one. Later, however, I advanced to one of the latest phones. These days, I see kids from my own extended family trying to operate blackberry which was once a class for businessmen.
      • Children- The point here is basically its parents that are spoiling their children by providing them with things that are unnecessary for them. The age limit b/w 10-14 is the age where children are taught the best ways to live their teenage ahead in a mannerly way. This is the where they are supposed to let go off everything and enjoy themselves in parks for example with family and friends. They are in an appropriate age to play games, by which I refer to outdoor games like badminton and soccer not the video games. Outdoor games teach them a variety of things like time management and how it feels like to be a part of a true team also to interact with people and get to know them.

Therefore, the cellphones and web media are no doubt to be blamed for confining the lives in our rooms. No two people sitting right beside know about each other; however a friend living miles away know about what is going in there. This technology limits our imagination and healthy thinking. We definitely need to break free from our cages and put some limitations on its usage only because this is life and we got to live it to the fullest and not just simply spend it in front of our screens.